
Cable Network Map


TeleGeography's comprehensive and regularly updated interactive map of the world's major submarine cable systems and landing stations.

Submarine Cable Map

The Submarine Cable Map is based on the authoritative data found in TeleGeography’s Transport Networks Research Service.

Search Cables

The information presented on the map can be filtered by the following data points:

Cable system, e.g. "ARCOS"

Country connected by cables, e.g. "France"

Known cable landing location, e.g. "Porthcurno"

Ready for service year, e.g. "2010"

"Planned" versus "In service" cables

Supplier of cables, e.g. "ASN"

Want to search by submarine cable owner? You can explore that data in our Transport Networks Research Service.


The multiselect feature enables the selection of multiple cables, landing points, countries, RFS years, and suppliers.

Submarine Cables 101

To learn more about submarine cables and how we make this map, please visit Submarine Cable Frequently Asked Questions.

Our Sponsors

This map was made possible in part by our sponsors. Please visit their site!

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